Client: KZ-Gedenkstätte Flossenbürg
Period: 04/2020 – 12/2020
Goal: Usage of the new corporate design of the Flossenbürg concentration camp memorial: Banners, posters and digital press kit for temporary and permanent exhibitions, greeting cards for the Hebrew New Year and anti-corona measures on the site.
Major tasks: Creative conception, art direction and execution
Client: KZ-Gedenkstätte Flossenbürg
Period: 09/2019 – 12/2020
Goal: In fall 2019, the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial announced a competition to revise the existing corporate design. Colors and logo were set, everything else was open for discussion. The new corporate design was developed along six content guidelines: Dynamics, Recognition instead of Confession, Experimental Field of Remembrance Culture, Contact Zones, Regional – International, Innovation Engine. The central role in the new corporate design is played by the typeface ABF Linéare: Like the Flossenbürg concentration camp memorial, it is kind of irritating. Combined with high-quality images of the site, it gives the corporate design its distinctive character. See more
Major tasks: Creative conception, art direction and execution
Photos of the site: Thomas Dashuber
Clients: KZGedenkstätte Flossenbürg, Max Mannheimer Studienzentrum Dachau
Period: 07/2020 – 12/2020
Goal: Visual conception of a brochure documenting a five year training program for NS memorial staff. A explicit request of the customer was to work with the material that had been created throughout the five year process: pictures of workshop situations and posters made by the participants. The visual strategy for the images was to work with cutouts, photofilters and graphic elements. We used markers of different colors and styles to emphasize the workshop character within the editorial design. 90% of the pictograms used in the publication are from original workshop posters.
Major tasks: Creative conception, art direction and execution
Client: Verband Kommunaler Unternehmen (VKU)
Agency: VKU Verlag GmbH
Period: 09/2020– 03/2021
Goal: Design of a brochure for the 2021 federal election in Germany with positions of the VKU. In terms of content, there are three key aspects: climate-neutral, powerful, and quality of life. These statements are underlined by significant icons. Authentic images provide an insight into the field of activity of municipal companies.
Major tasks: Creative conception, art direction and execution
Client: Südwestdeutsche Stromhandels GmbH
Period: 04/2019 – 08/2020
Goal: Design of the 2018 and 2019 SüdWestStrom Annual Reports: The design should be in line with the corporate design guidelines and at the same time should take a step forward in order to emphasize the company’s innovative strength. The 2019 annual report was published digitally only.
Major tasks: Creative conception, art direction and execution
Client: INTAO
Period: 01/2019 – 06/2019
Goal: Conception and production of images for the INTAO app within the framework of the existing corporate and app design; each image visualizes one article, all persons depicted are INTAO employees
Major tasks: Creative conception, art direction, photography, image composing; Illustrations: Kathrin Krönig
Client: Audi
Agency: C3 Creative Code and Content
Period: 03/2018 – 04/2018
Goal: Production of the employee magazine Audi mobil within a limited period of three weeks on the basis of an existing layout structure. Despite the short time available the quality should be first-rate. Within two weeks, six shootings with employees took place at two different Audi locations. In addition to a picture editor, three illustrators worked simultaneously on visual elements for the magazine.
Motor tasks: Creative conception, art direction and execution
Details: 40 pages, printed edition 80.000
Client: Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, Science and Arts
Project partner: Theorie&Praxis – Studio for cultural studies, Brückner & Brückner architects, Horncolor Multimedia
Period: 02/2015 – 09/2017
Goals: Design of a place of remembrance that focuses on the events and victims of of the 1972 Olympic massacre in Munich.
Major tasks: Creative conception within a core team of 12 people (curators, architects, media planners), corporate design, exhibition graphic, media staging, design of the trilingual accompanying brochure
Client: DB Immobilien
Agency: Ketchum Pleon Berlin
Period: 11/2016 – 10/2018
Goals: Design of the employee magazine ImmoNews for DB Immobilien
Major tasks: Creative conception of the individual issues in close cooperation with the client, art direction, realization of five issues, creative supervision of the digitization process of ImmoNews in the Intranet of Deutsche Bahn (DB Planet)
Client: Institut Melhus Berlin
Period: 01/2021
Major tasks: Design of the 2021 annual program